M a a t o n g G r o u p
Our Vision

About Us

The Maatong Group wants to take advantage of the facilities offered by new communication technologies, to be able to work collaboratively from anywhere in the world, to build service offerings that effectively meet the needs of its customers. The challenge is to offer high-quality services at competitive prices.

Our Missions

Maatong Group your partner through success!

Our mission is to support companies in the construction, industry and IT sectors in Europe, the United States and Central Africa in their wealth creation processes by offering them services designed to improve their competitiveness. Our teams are designed to meet the following three criteria: Robust technical solutions, responsiveness and competitiveness.

About Image 4
Maatong Europe
MaatongTech USA
Maatong Cameroon

Geographical location

The Maatong Group comprises three legal entities: Maatong Europe, MaatongTech USA and Maatong Cameroon.

MaatongTech USA
Maatong Cameroon
Maatong Europe